This series of six animated videos is aimed at educating stroke survivors and their caregivers about stroke and the recovery process. The videos cover topics such as: an introduction what a stroke is and how it occurs, the physical and emotional recovery involved following stroke, and ways one might transition back home following an in-hospital stay. Videos were created with input from the Stroke Rehabilitation Team and from additional healthcare experts and practitioners on the Bridgepoint Active Healthcare team. The videos were also reviewed in focus groups with patients and caregivers, whose feedback was also incorporated into the development of the series. The videos are also currently being translated into multiple different languages.

The full Stroke Education Series can be viewed on the Bridgepoint Stroke information page or on the Sinai Health YouTube Channel.


Jenn Ridgway: Program lead, Changing Care, Sinai Health System
Sandy Duncan: Occupational Therapist, Sinai Health System
Ryan Wood: Speech-Language Pathologist, Sinai Health System
The rest of the Stroke Rehabilitation Team, the Toronto Stroke Network, and Bridgepoint Active Healthcare (Sinai Health).


Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro

Swallowing and Communication After Stroke (Episode 3 of the Stroke Education Series). To view all videos in the series, please follow this link: Stroke Education Series



Storyboards are created to plot the visual flow of the animation. The characters, visual motifs, camera movements and environments were edited using these storyboards, and were worked on in parallel with the creation of the final animations.

Storyboard for Episode 4 of the series (Adjustment after Stroke – The Patient and Caregiver Experience).

Storyboard for Episode 4 of the series (Adjustment after Stroke – The Patient and Caregiver Experience).


Styleframes were created to refine the look of the animation and character designs, and to provide healthcare practitioners with more detailed previews so that they could provide extensive feedback on medical accuracy.